The purpose of this collaboration was to create harmony between the polarities of nature and technology by merging our two passions of music and art.

‘Organic Glitch’ Music and Art collaboration with @delu_regis

A glitch is a short-lived fault in a system, a minor error or system failure; 'Organic Glitch' shows us how much technology has infiltrated our natural world and how it has involved itself in our everyday lives.

The purpose of this collaboration was to create harmony between the polarities of nature and technology by merging our two passions of music and art.

Photography by The Chemistry of Light

It was a very creative process for both artists, curating the visuals and sounds; watching the songs and images enhance each other and gather momentum until it turned into this moody, organic house, tropical rainforest vibe. The distorted images remind us of our own often fragile and vulnerable relationship with technology.

The final outcome was a live art collaboration: a one hour set played by @delu_regis reflected in the collage made by Jill on set in a cosy urban Sydney courtyard on a rainy Sunday afternoon.